Friday, April 25, 2014

Michael C. Ruppert- Paradigm Shifter/Tracker of Truth

Michael C. Ruppert
  (February 3, 1951 – April 13, 2014) 
 *Aquarius Capricorn Cancer with a Pisces Stellium*
(Venus, Mars, Jupe, North Node)
Michael was an American author, a former 
Los Angeles Police Department officer, 
investigative journalist political activist and 
peak oil awareness advocate. 
Until 2006, he published and edited From The Wilderness
 a newsletter and website 
covering a range of topics including international politics,
 the C.I.A., peak oil, civil liberties, drugs, economics, 
corruption and the nature of the 9/11 conspiracy. 
 He served as president of Collapse Network, Inc until he resigned in May 2012, when he gave 35 percent of his 55 percent share back to the company's founders.  He hosted The Lifeboat Hour on
Progressive Radio Network until 2014.
He has been described as a conspiracy theorist by numerous mainstream media outlets.
Ruppert was the author of Crossing The Rubicon: 
The Decline of the American Empire
 at the End of the Age of Oil

I first met Michael in June of 2011. 
He had/s a very compelling message.
I had recently been turned on to his blog
 From the Wilderness. 
Its active period had ended in 2006 but he was still 
posting on it periodically.
 One day he posted that he was moving to 
West Sonoma County.
 Hmph I thought, that's where I live. 
(He had been living in LA for some years). 

I wanted to meet him and decided that inevitably I would see him at Whole Foods at some point. Local watering hole. Sure enough, it didn't take long. I recognized him, introduced myself and we became friends. He was having a spiritual awakening here in West County and was blissed out on growing everything he could in his garden, up on Pike's Peak, while running his new website
 Collapse Network.

He was a really smart, brave, driven, temperamental big hearted and in some way, very innocent guy. It was like having my own brilliant Poli-Sci teacher/interpreter of what was happening geo-politically. He was like a baleen whale, eating the krill, straining through all of it. All of the news. Over 63 journals, 6+ days a week. He compressed the dark coal within himself, producing time and time again, lucid diamonds of truth.

Mike broke the Pat Tillman coverup story, which went all the way up and resulted in Donald Rumsfeld's resignation.

Pat Tillman was a soldier from Arizona who was killed in friendly fire in Afghanistan, but it was a covered-up and Mike figured it out 
and exposed the truth. 

In 2004 he published
 Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire 
at the End of the Age of Oil.

"Rubicon" was voted 2004 "Book of the Year" 
by the online review of books and was listed by C-SPAN as one of the five hottest selling political books of 2004.

He was the subject of the 2009 documentary film Collapse
 which was based on his book Confronting Collapse 
 and received the New York Times' "critics pick".

Mike in Colorado in 2014

 In 2014, VICE featured Ruppert in a 
4-part series titled 
Apocalypse, Man.

Apocalypse, Man (Part 1 of 4)

A scene from the movie Collapse


Fantastic speech on 9/11/2011 
Portland, Oregon

Mike was also the Publisher/Editor of From the Wilderness or FTW, a newsletter he founded in March 1998 by mailing 
out 68 copies to friends and researchers. 
FTW was read by more than 20,000 subscribers in 40 countries including 40 members of the US Congress, the intelligence committees of both houses, and professors
 at 20 universities around the world. 
Through the newsletter and his website at
 Mike pioneered innovative analysis
 and groundbreaking original stories on the impact 
of $5-600 billion per year in drug money
 moving through the US economy and the illegal covert operations which maintain control of that
 cash flow 
for US economic interests.
Since 9-11-01 Mike has been the point man in breaking major stories involving government foreknowledge, corruption and violations of the Constitution. 

 He has also pioneered the effort to educate the world about the consequences of Peak Oil -- the fact that the world is at or near an inevitable decline in the availability of hydrocarbon energy, and what this might mean for human civilization.
An Honors graduate of UCLA in Political Science (1973), Mike is a former LAPD narcotics investigator who discovered CIA trafficking in drugs in 1977. 

 After attempting to expose this he was forced out
 of LAPD in 1978 
while earning the highest rating reports possible and having no pending disciplinary actions.
 In 1996, after 18 years of struggle, he finally achieved one of his deepest wishes in a face to face public encounter with then CIA Director John Deutch on national television. 

Washington sources later told Mike that Deutch's mishandling of the encounter cost him a guaranteed appointment
 as Secretary of Defense.

 Here it is.

On November 28, 2001 Mike gave his first post 9-11 lecture at Portland State University, which was attended by more than 1,000 and resulted in a standing ovation.
  FTW's stories, including economic and military analysis, detailed exposés of the CIA and the American political and economic system, have been reprinted all over the world. 

-wiki & FTW

Mike on the Joe Rogan Podcast in 2010

Mike's last radio show The Lifeboat Hour
April 13, 2014
His last gift and final farewell.

Abby Martin of RT's heartfelt personal tribute to MCR

Mike's last fb post:

I pray to all things seen and unseen, 
known and unknown, 
for we are all One.
The prophecies are being fulfilled. The hour of birth is at hand. 
The waters break and rend. There is blood. 
There are screams of pain. 
There is death and much anxiety in the air. Things look very bad for our Mother and all of her children.
The Truth awaits just on the other side of the 
ever dissolving veil where all the screaming and the mess
 is going on. The Truth opens its arms wide to lovingly receive the newborn and to comfort it.
“Isn’t it wonderful?” The Truth exclaims.

I am your scout and this is my report.

My friend Mike

*I am using the rest of this post partly as an archive
of some of the communication
I shared with Mike.
 It is precious to me and should be with this blog.*

Paetra Tauchert  


to Mike
You're awesome Mike. So glad to get to know you:) P

Mike Ruppert  


to me
Vice versa kiddo. Great time. My door always open to ya. Heart too.

Paetra Tauchert 


to Mike
 (Me)Hows the world today?

 It is really fucked. 
All of a sudden we're seeing five times the number of reported incidents 
of civil unrest in China, including serial bombings.
That's why taking a week away from this would be bad for the members. No one can read the tea leaves like Uncle Mikie.
Have a great fucking day. You're not Chinese.
Max, Dani and I have decided we'll use any form of bribery or compensation to get you to spend a few hours here walking through the garden dispensing your infinite wisdom.
In exchange I'll show you my five favorite ways to deal with competition and teach ya how to shoot.
I'm giddy over the World news Desk links today. It's catfights everywhere. The IMF is in an open feud between factions and now the PIIGs have no idea who to negotiate with. Nobody had a clue what's happening with the Greek bailout set up after DSK went down -- and popped back up
The Fed has stopped buying Treasuries and NO ONE is stepping up to buy. So what does CNN do? They post a banner story telling American citizens that Treasurys are the safest investment in the world. Meantime, D.C. appears to be rushing headlong to default.
My garden is berserk.I almost got full on the salad I plucked tonight. I wanna see yours. Need some seeds and a hug.
You become more precious and valued as time passes. You are deeply apreciated.

thank you
*Post Colorado Move:* 

 in case you didn't get this:


Paetra Tauchert 


to Mike  (this was done by Matt Savinar on his North Bay Astrology Blog)
*Investigative reporter Mike Ruppert is another Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon who knows more than a few things about what the “Powers That Be” will do silence individuals who advocate new ideals. (Chart) Mike was working as an LAPD narcotics investigator during the 1970s when was recruited by the CIA to be involved in the drug trade. He refused the agency’s advances and attempted to go public with what he had been exposed to. For this he was at shot at and forced out of the police force despite possessing a service record of the highest order. (Link to Full Bio) Mike recounted these experiences, including his 1996 televised confrontation with CIA director John Deutsch, for the documentary American Drug War. If you want your mind blown make sure to watch at least the first 30 seconds: (link above earlier in post)
Mike’s never been raided by the SWAT team like Mr. Dotcom but in 2006 his office was broken into and his computers destroyed beyond all repair after he published an in-depth expose of the Pentagon’s cover-up of Pat Tillman’s murder.
Astrologer Jefferson Anderson tell us that Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon natives, “often have a gleam in their eyes that hints at either genius or madness.” (Source) Whether taking on the multinational record companies like Kim Dotcom, refusing to sit in the back of the bus like Rosa Parks, resisting internment like Fred Korematsu or blowing the whistle on CIA narcotics trafficking like Mike Ruppert, you’d have to be a bit “mad” to speak truth to power the way this pairing often does.*

Mike Ruppert  


to me
No, I didn't.

Thank you sweetie. I very much appreciate you.
Rags just tore the ACL in his other (right) back leg. It means another surgery and me trading another prize weapon. My royalties from Rubicon are a month late ($1,700) and I need those to live on. After 55 consecutive on-time payments (after a $15,000 down) to Toyota they're threatening to repossess my Rav 4 because I'm two months late with a $2,800 payoff.
Rags comes first.
Rags is all that I have, the only breathing, living thing that keeps me alive and showing up every day. I have manifested neither family or twin flame in this life. I am loved by so many but Rags is the only warm, living flesh I have. 
WTF? This is the time for letting go of all in the material world. I embrace the lessons.
I'm following the vet's advice (really great guy). "Go home and drink heavily."

Roger, wilco.
to Mike:
Hold steady brother, this is a really intense time. I'd be thankful that you have these things of value that you can convert into something that will sustain you, and Rags. Give that guy a hug for me. Give yourself one too. Go home and drink heavily, ok... tonite if you need to, but do not repeat. 
Not time for that.

Here are your current transits, according to Robert Hand. xo

Pluto conjunction Moon: Raw and urgent
End of March 2012 until beginning of November 2014: This influence signifies a time of extremely powerful emotional change in your life, which can affect your immediate personal surroundings, your home and family, and your inmost psychological development. The feelings evoked by this influence are raw and urgent. You may be surprised at the intensity of some of the internal forces that you will discover, and making yourself deal with these feelings may be the most difficult part of this time. Now this aspect of your psyche is in a state of acute transformation, and that is what makes this influence so powerful. The actual experience can vary tremendously because so many different areas of your personal and emotional life can be activated, but here are some typical manifestations. First of all, on the innermost psychological level, this influence can indicate an enormous emotional change that activates complexes within you that have lain dormant since childhood. You may repeatedly find yourself in situations in which you act as a compulsive child rather than a rational adult. The problem is that your "rational" adulthood has never dealt with these repressed energies. You may need psychotherapy or a related technique in order to handle what comes up at this time. On another level, this influence can transform all your emotionally based relationships, such as those with your partner, family and parents, particularly your mother. One of these relationships may end completely for any number of reasons. Relationships with women in general may become particularly intense, regardless of your own sex. On a more external level this influence can affect your home in a number of ways. You may change your residence, or you may make great changes in your present residence. Repairs may be necessary in order to prevent serious disintegration of a building. This influence may be upsetting now, but in reality it is the preparation for a new stage of development. Keep yourself flexible so that the necessary changes can take place with a minimum of disruption. 


Perfect??? Oy! My dear I'm closing in on one of the biggest TV series in history. I will be the host, Co-creator, and consulting producer. I will have creative control. It will be based here in Crestone and it will weave together the most-relevant truths of all ancient prophecies, from all indigenous people. With a huge budget we will go everywhere in the world, as we are led by spirit, to sweep away parochial interests, tribal rivalries (the petty shit) to find the one unifying theme which is - of course -- Gaia.

The show will be called "The Rabbit Hole". Can't show you anything yet, but soon.

What I'd like to ask is how soon the time will come when I can receive what my heart craves more than anything? Namely full knowledge of who I am, where I come from, and what my mission (has been) is. The energies passing through me are (at times) excruciatingly intense. I just repeat the same mantra over and over, "I am here to serve. How can I serve?" And then, at times I just sit on the ground and pray for pity because I feel so drained and weak and... fried.

When will I get to see what you and so many powerful beings like you see about me? When will I get to know that?

I know that I am a warrior of light in service to the Archangel Michael. I am aware of four prior lifetimes. On this planet I have been an Atlantean, a Roman, and I was at Valley Forge. I have also lived on another watery planet. I know that I am loved by native peoples, druids, celts, wiccans, pagans. And I so love all who have loved our mother with all their hearts, for so many thousands of years, 
through so much SHIT.

On the solstice I will be doing a ceremony with a Lakota medicine man. I'll take any advice you have on how to prepare.

Please ask spirit to remember that my body is frail and weak.
 I am doing the best I can to contain the energy and changes passing through me.

In great love and light,


Hi Mike,
 How's it being back in Nor Cal? The spring is sure pretty here:)
So what do you think about flight 370?  I'm no investigative journalist and you are, so what do you think of this story?
I checked out the part about the navy seals who died under mysterious circumstances and that's true.. but how can we find out if the rest of it is?
Granted this is from an often far out russian conspiracy site, but this plane's disappearance is so mysterious, that any explanations are to be entertained.

 Did you get your car fixed? Hope you're doing well, Paetra

Mike Ruppert 

Mar 15

to me
Hi Paetra:

I haven't followed the Malaysian airliner at all. No opinion. The web site you linked to by Sorcha Faal is total disinformation. It is completely blocked from anything that has anything to do with me in any way. They lie. I am really not into that kind of thing any more at all.
My car is partially fixed but much better. I need to get brakes next week 
and then I'm really up and running.

Things are getting better. I'm like a transplanted plant, struggling to sink roots again.

You were so right about the Rune you gave me. 
I died here some and finished dying in the mountains. I am a much different man than you knew. 
I'll really look forward to meeting up with you soon to share some...

Hope you are having a fabulous day. I'm going into the Grange tonight for a corned beef, St. Patty's dinner. Pls stay in touch, my friend.


Asking for what you want



Mike Ruppert

Apr 11

to Tacoma, Marc, me
*this was a craigslist ad seeking housing for him and Jessyre in West County*



Paetra Tauchert  

to Mike
Apr 11

good job! good luck :)
* In reflection, as these were my last words to him, I am glad.
 That was the message no matter where he went next, in this world or the other*)

Mike and Rags

This is the song that Mike played 
at the end of his last radio show, 
less than an hour 
before he died. 

His friend and colleague Abby Martin

Abby Martin is an American journalist and host of Breaking the Set on RT America network, working at the Washington, D.C. bureau. The show mixes media criticism with investigative journalism. It describes itself as "a show that cuts through the pre-written narrative that tries to tell you what to think, and what to care about", and as a show that "cuts through the false Left/Right paradigm set by the establishment & reports the hard facts".

Farewell friend