Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Check out these insane black and white photos from yesteryear

Date unknown
Thanksgiving Day parade in New York City.
(via retrogasm)
Thanksgiving Day parade in New York City. (Date unknown)

The world's not going to hell in a hand basket; it's the same as it ever was.  But to eradicate that thought one need only look at the incredible blog Black and WTF 
to see that, in fact, 
people have always been this crazy and weird.


 The blog compiles the strangest black and white photos around, and today the curator of the site, posted his favorite 50 photos over at Buzzfeed. They are, as you'd imagine, completely insane. They defy explanation. They are portals into a different world, a place where someone felt it necessary to capture this moment, for whatever reason.

Late 1930s
Burlesque dancer Zorita walks her pet snake.
(via vintagegal) 



 Einstürzende Neubauten - Stella Maris 

fave video of the week

(euro sexy!)


Tuesday, November 22, 2011



"I think the popular perception that we're a lot like the Victorians is in large part correct. One way is that we're all constantly in a state of ongoing technoshock, without really being aware of it—it's just become where we live. The Victorians were the first people to experience that, and I think it made them crazy in new ways. We're still riding that wave of craziness. We've gotten so used to emergent technologies that we get anxious if we haven't had one in a while."
- William Gibson in Paris Review interview



The Diamond Age 

By Neal Stephenson

 Stephenson imagines a 21st century in which molecular machines can create any desired object or structure. National governments have vanished, leaving society divided into enclaves along ethnic, cultural, and ideological lines, the most dynamic of which are the new-Victorian Atlanteans of coastal China.
Decades into the future, near the ancient city of Shanghai, John Percival Hackworth is a cultured nanotech engineer who risks the censure of his neo-Victorian social class, or tribe, when he forges an illicit copy of a state-of-the-art interactive book called A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer for his daughter Fiona. The primer is actually a super computer built with nanotechnology that was designed to educate Lord Finkle-McGraw's daughter. With the unprecedented power to single-handedly educate its reader, the primer is designed to shape the values and maintain the superiority of the dominant tribe by teaching young girls how to think for themselves in that stifling neo-Victorian society.  more....

The Moon

This is the lineage of yoga that I am practicing in. This is my teachers' teacher and his teacher in 1938 in some rare footage.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Revolution Has Begun

The Love Police
  A message from.... 
(click above for link)

Occupy OZ
By Gregory MacGuire
"In 2000, John Updike wrote a consideration of L. Frank Baum's "The Wizard of Oz" for the New Yorker and called it OZ IS US. He must have meant "the U.S." as well as "we Americans." Since Updike gave an early appreciative salute to "Wicked" in that same magazine, I have been partial to his take on that weird utopia,  ..."more...

Zuccotti Park Protesters Setting Up Military Tents For Winter, Safety 
The game changes now, as winter comes....
(click link above for story)

More from Charlie Veitch... this guy is Fantastic!!
Watch/listen to this video, pass it on.
(Click above for link) 


And finally.....

German Art Student hand illuminates and binds a copy of Tolkien's Silmarillion
Oh my god its so beautiful. What an overachiever!! I love it.
(link above)


(click above to listen)
    • Iron and Wine are playing in Oakland,  CA 
      at the Fox Theater on December 4th, 2011


Saturday, October 29, 2011


The Earth is naked with shadows now, dark bands that creep across the ground like the drowsy hands of winter's clock. 
With each slow sweep, the land grows stiller, calmed like a child caressed to sleep by the hand of a patient mother. In every rustle of the fallen leaves, each click and rattle of the pale, dry twigs, you can hear her whispering, "Hush, hush."
                  Author Unknown


Walt Disney's 1929 La Danza Macabra
 Click above to watch

Mexico's Grateful Dead 

Throughout the country on November 1 and 2 people build elaborate altars and fill them with the favorite foods and drinks of deceased loved ones, who's souls are believed to return each year.
Tamales, mole, chocolate, green-pumpkin candy, mescal, and atole (a thick corn base fruit drink) are common. And no gathering is complete without a few of the brightly colored candy skulls called Calaveras de Azucar and Pan de Muerto (Bread of the Dead), a sweet anise and cinnamon flavored bread often baked in the shape of a skull.

Sugar skull cookies

Vera Cruz man holding marigolds in a cemetary

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rest in Peace Mr Jobs

Portlandia  is indeed a special place filled with all manner of expression, cultural and personal. In the case of the above 'expression', there was a case of mistaken identity.... and the Portland Bomb Squad was called in. more.....

The Driftwood Egg Treehouse—Hokkaido, Japan. Built by Japan's Kobayashi Takashi, this "driftwood egg" is nestled in a tree on Japan's northernmost island of Hokkaido. It was constructed specifically for a Nescafé television commercial that featured Mr. Takashi and another Japanese celebrity sipping coffee together.
This is an amazing visual survey of treehouses from around the world. Wow!!!! 
(Thanks Kim!) more...


Neolithic Italian lovers discovered by archaeologists, dating back 5000 - 60000 years ago. Sweethearts even in death! more....


Aries Full Moon   October 11  7:06 pm PDT
Growing pains, delays,
How to leap from now 'til satisfaction? Full Moon dance complicated contradictions:

cooperation and impulsive drive.

 Urge, instinct and action
restrained or compromised.
Tension of contrasts culminates.

Weight of responsibilities defines the timeline.
More patience and persistence.
Get a grip.
Make respect your keyword,
write it on your heart.
It defines the common thread of humanity between us
and an attitude with yourself.
Respect confers authority.
Claim your authority, claim self-respect.

Jacqueline Lasahan


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy New Moon

 Clever Cartography

Maps! We all love maps. They are objects d'art that help us orient to where we are, and where we could go.... 
mysterious and practical....

 The collage is painted with fragments of vintage atlases and school geography
books from the golden era of cartography, 1872-1945.
Matthew Cusick   
Well, Here are 7 books that focus us in this direction.


Lita Albuquerque: Emergence

(click on image above for link)
My friend Ginny sent me this link and I almost passed out from how beautiful it is, both in concept and execution.
(The Beekeeper?? Fuggedaboudit!)
 "My initial impetus for Beekeeper was to present the visual similarity between a beekeeper and an astronaut. I created a narrative around which the beekeeper’s aim is to help maintain biological life on the planet and the astronaut became the starkeeper maintaining life in the cosmos. In collaboration with Jon Beasley, and later on Chandler McWilliams who created the computer program, we decided that the idea was really about transmutation, and that the particles that are seen in the animation could be interpreted in numerous ways leaving it more open-ended, that the astronaut was implied in the ambiguity of the representation of the particles being bees or stars or simply particles of energy. And that the particles of energy that are invisible to our gross sensory perceptions are in a continual loop of becoming and unbecoming, that each particle in this informational universe under which we exist is alive and in a continuous state of transformation ad infinitum."

And the exhibit is at the Laguna Art Museum
That's my So Cal hood! Through October 2, 2011 only. 





Time for 'Dia de Los Muertos' Art
Click above for must see video

Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Usually when it rains in Los Angeles, activities stop dead in their tracks.  Simple decisions become complicated.  People hibernate in their homes, and do not dare come out until every puddle in the street is evaporated.
Not so with the participants and audience for the 11th Annual Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) Celebration, October 30th at Hollywood Forever Cemetery.......(more)



Tom Waits 'Clap Hands'
Click above
Tom Waits is a Sag Cancer, just like Jimi Hendrix.

And Last but not Least.....
Click Above

 This is not a translation but what it sounds like in English.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day & Night are in perfect balance> Take Time to stop and adjust< Here Dragons are invoked

As visitors enter the exhibition, they find themselves in a mysterious, untended yard behind a ramshackle old Victorian home. Peeking through the window, it’s clear that a crime has just taken place. A man is slumped over on a table, a goblet in his lifeless hand, as the lady of the house flees in the background. Crows caw, and a rusty gate creaks. In the overgrown garden, moss covered statues rise up out of an unruly thicket of alluring plants. Beautiful flowers and glistening berries bewitch the eye, but consider yourself warned – these plants have names like deadly nightshade, poison hemlock and white snakeroot. Here lurk some of the greatest killers of all time.

The exhibition features over 30 species of wicked plants from those with famously scandalous histories to those that grow “innocently” in millions of gardens and homes today. Visitors can enjoy corresponding excerpts from Stewart’s book full of bloodcurdling tales and fascinating facts on signs throughout the gallery. conservatoryofflowers.org 


How to Build a Horse-Drawn Wagon
DIY click here
The times they are a changing.... and some perks may be a return to a more fashionable mode of transportation. Beat the rush... start working on your new/old horse drawn wagon today!! 
http://images.cabelas.com/is/image/cabelas/s7_626355_imageset_01?hei=127&wid=127&op_sharpen=1   Reclaim old chandeliers for wheels!


Floricopeia & Medicine Crow: 
The Grassroots Healthcare Network 

This is wise plantsman  David Crow. He is doing good work in the world. Reclaiming tonic healthcare as our own is crucial to what is coming. We need to remember that food is our baseline of medicine. We each one of us have a homeostatic, constitutional balance that we either bring into or out of greater balance based on the choices we make each day. http://www.whatsyourdosha.com/articles.html( Find out yours here)And it all starts with food. From there we have the entire botanical medicine cabinet that plants provide, and in the case of Floricopeia, in the form of essential oils.


It's the return of 
 The Great Handcar Regatta
Exposition of Mechanical and Artistic Wonders
Held right here in Santa Rosa! This Sunday from 11am - 6pm. Not to be missed!!!

Blending the fashions, mechanics and science fiction of the 19th century with more modern notions of art, the race and street fair marks its fourth anniversary next Sunday in Santa Rosa's Old Railroad Square.
“It seems that so many events resonate with a certain demographic. When you go to the Handcar Regatta, you see people of all ages and from all economic walks of life,” Backman said.
“It resonates with the crowd because they come and participate in something that feels like a movement, rather than an event. I can go to the Handcar Regatta and feel like, ‘Oh my God, we're cool.'”
Handcar Regatta organizers attribute the event's soaring success to a combination of invention and involvement.
“One of the best things to come out of the regatta is that we have a whole new group of artists who were born out of the regatta, people who never considered themselves artists before — blue-collar contractors, construction workers and mechanics,” Maxfield said.
“I also think the regatta hit a chord with this whole do-it-yourself movement, and this desire to create a form of transportation in your own garage with the tools you have available. It inspires people to get out there and try something. There's an incredible sense of empowerment.”